Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Apakah Dengan Rajin Solat Dijamin Masuk Syurga???

Apakah Semua Orang  Yang Rajin Solat Dijamin Masuk Syurga? Itu pertanyaan yang pernah saya dapatkan dari seorang teman yang saya kenal di facebook setelah saya mengup-date status baru yang isinya yaitu:
 “Kesempurnaan yang paling sempurna

“Kesempurnaan yang paling sempurna adalah tafakkuh (mendalami) agama, sabar menghadapi musibah dan ekonomis dalam mengeluarkan biaya hidup”

dari Imam Baqir a.s.”
                Sebelumnya dia bertanya sebenarnya “Apakah dan seperti apakah kesempurnaan dan kebahagiaan hidup tertinggi yang manusia cari? Saya menjawab bahwa kebahagiaan yang tertinggi dan Haqiqi adalah Syurga. Gambaran dari Syurga adalah Kebahagiaan kita di dunia ini hanyalah setitik debu dari kebahagiaan yang Allah janjikan kelak di Syurga. Kemudian Ia Bertanya lagi “Apakah solat dapat menjamin kita masuk Syurga?” Dengan kemampuan minim yang saya miliki kemidian saya membuat artikel sederhana mengenai analogi hubungan antara solat dan Syurga yang Allah janjikan:

                 Memang tidak selamanya orang yang solatnya rajin dan rutin di jamin akan masuk ke dalam syurga ataupun sebaliknya. Hal tersebut dapat kita analogi saja seperti orang yang sedang menuntut ilmu sampai jenjang yang tinggi (kuliah misalnya),, Ia mencari ilmu dengan maksut tidak lain dan tidak bukan untk menghilangkn kebodohan agar memperoleh penghidupan yang layak, contohnya dengan mendapatkan pekerjaan dan penghasilan yang melimpah demi tercapainya kebahagiaan. Namun, hal tersebut tidak selamanya akan berjalan mulus. Banyak sekali faktor-faktor penghambat dan yang mempengaruhi pencapaian kesuksesesannya. Contohnya seperti kemampuan berkomunikasi, menjalin relasi, kreatifitas, kemampuan memanfaatkn peluang, dsb. Akan tetapi pada dasarnya melalui pendidikn kita telah diberikn banyak sekali jalan menuju kesuksesan yang kita impikan. Contoh dengan memperbanyak relasi melalui teman-teman blajar, mengasah kemampuan berfikir kita dlm menghadapi brbagai prsoalan, mempertajam kreatifitas, dsb. Tinggl kita yang harus pandai-pandai mmanfaatkn peluang tersebut. Begitu juga dengan solat, memang tidak selamanya orang yang rajin melaksanakan solat dijamin masuk syurga, hal tersebut masih dipengaruhi faktor-faktor lain baik interen maupun eksteren. Faktor-faktor tersebut bisa memperbanyak amal kita dan mnambah pluang masuk syurga atau bahkan sebaliknya malah mengurangi atau bahkn menghapus pahala dari solat kita. Contoh faktor2-faktor tersebut diantarax senang bergunjing, senang memfitnah, senang berbohong, senag mencuri,  korupsi, dan msih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Memang ada ayat Al-Qur’an yang menjelaskan solat dapat menceganh kemungkaran. Namun tidak sembarangan solat yang bisa mencegah kemungkaran. Solat yang dapat mencegah hal-hal yang bersifat mungkar adalah solat yg benar-benar khusy’, iklas, dan hanya karena Allah. Sementara khusyu’ atau tidaknya solat kita hanya kita sendiri dan Allah yang tahu. Orang lain mungkin bisa melihat bahwa kita rajin solat, namun belum tentu kalau solat kita tersebut bnar-benar hanya karena Allah. Jadi orang yg rajin solat dan juga gemar berbuat maksiat masih perlu dipertanyakan solatnya. Selanjutnya, ada sebuah ayat Al-Qur’an yang menjelaskan bahwasannya solat itu adlah tiang agama. Dari ayat ini dapat kita ambil kesimpulan bahwa jika ada seseorang yang tidak melaksanakan solat, semua amal ibadah lain yang ia lakukan tidak akan diterima oleh Allah. Ya kalau dianalogi solat bagaikan sebuah tiket masuk agar bisa mengikuti sebuah perlombaan. Jikalau kita saja tidak mempunyai tiket dan kita tidak mengikuti perlombaan tersebut bagaimana kita bisa menang? Spertinya mustahil bisa menang, karena orang yang telah memiliki tiket dan ikut bertanding saja blm tentu kalau dia bisa menang. Apalagi yang tidak ikut lomba. Jadi sepertinya tidak mungkin klau orang yang tidak melaksanakan solat bisa masuk syurga. Kalau ada orang tersebut mungkin amat sangat spesial dan bisa diperumpamakan (1 Triliun : 2) dan kalau orang yg melaksanakan solat (100 : 10) jadi peluangnya amat sangat lebih besar orang masuk syurga dengan melaksanakan solat dari pada orang yang masuk syurga tanpa melaksanakan solat.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Special Day

Special Day

Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat spesial bagi kami

Hari dimana berakhirnya masa pencarian dan perkelanaan cinta kami

Sebuah hari yang membawa kami berdua untuk hidup dalam suatu ikatan

Sebuah ikatan untuk menyatukan 2 hati yang berbeda

Di sini kami berkumpul bersama keluarga, karabat, teman, dan orang-orang yang berarti dalam hidup kami untuk merayakan ikrar ini

Sebuah ikrar kesetiaan, cinta, kasih sayang, dan saling menghormati untuk selamanya 

Di tempat ini pula kami panjatkan do’a kepada Allah SWT agar selalu menjaga cinta dan kasih sayang kami untuk selamanya

Mulai sekarang kami berjanji akan saling berbagi dalam segala hal, baik itu susah maupun senang

Berbagi dalam keceriaan, canda, tawa dan saling mengingatkan ketika diantara kita ada yang terlena dalam kenikmatan sesaat

Saling mendukung dan memberikan semangat / motivasi ketika diantara kita ada yang sedang dilanda kesulitan

Yang terpenting dari ikatan ini yaitu bersama-sama mencari ridho Allah SWT dalam rangka mencapai kebahagiaan dunia-akhirat

Sebab Allah-lah yang akan selalu memberikan kanikmatan dan mengatur segala hal dalam keluarga kita.

Mulai dari memberi rizki, rumah, dan anak-anak yang kelak akan membuat rumah kita penuh dengan canda-tawa.

Dalam hari yang penuh dengan kegembiraan ini, marilah kita  mengangkat tangan dan menyatukan suara untuk bersama-sama berdo’a dan memuji kebesaran Allah SWT sesuai dengan ajaran nabi kita Muhammad SAW : 

Barakallahu lakuma wa baraka alaikumaa wa jaama'a bainakuma fii khaiiir”

“Allah bariklawhuma, Allah Hadhum hubbahuma, Allah Solli wasallim A'la rasulillah, Allah tub'alaina, Allah irdha anna, Allah ihdhi khuthoona A'la sunnah nabiina”

Sumber: Lagu Barokallah-Maher Zain

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Cause - Effect and Comparison / Contrast Patterns


At previous meeting, we discussed about the listing and the time orders, which are both included in the pattern of organization. And in this paper, we will discuss the kinds of pattern of Organization of the third and fourth, there are patterns of comparison / contrast and cause / effect.

      1. Comparison
Comparison isrhetorical strategy and method of organization in which a writer examines similarities and/or differences between two people, places, ideas, or things. The material is organized to emphasize the similarities and/or differences between two or more items or topics. This pattern is used when the writer wants to explain similarities or differences between two things.
1.                  In a comparison, the writer may explain similarities OR similarities and differences.
2.                  In a contrast, the writer explains only differences.
A comparison can include both similarities and differences, or only the similarities. A contrast states only differences.

     2. Cause and Effect
Causes and effects are part of our daily lives. Therefore, this pattern is used often by writers of history books, science texts, and novels. It is important to recognize the cause/effect pattern when you read, but it is sometimes more complicated than some of the other patterns. This pattern describes or discusses an event or action that is caused by another event or action. On occasion, this pattern is also referred to as result.


A compare and contrast pattern arranges information according to how two or more things are similar to or different from one another (or both). This is an effective pattern to use when the reader can better understand one subject when it is described in relation to another. If the reader is familiar with one topic, the writer can compare or contrast it with another topic to shed insight on it.
For example, suppose a writer's stated purpose is to help the reader make an informed decision about whether to attend a two-year college or a four-year university. One way to arrange the information is to compare and contrast the two educational options along several important dimensions, such as cost, quality of education, and variety of educational programs. In this case, the number of main sections in the outline would depend on how many dimensions or factors were considered (three in the case below). Another way to arrange the information would be to create two main sections, one that describes similarities and one that describes differences.
This pattern is used when the writer wants to explain similarities or differences between two things.
4.                  In a comparison, the writer may explain similarities OR similarities and differences.
5.                  In a contrast, the writer explains only differences.

In the comparison/contrast pattern, the writer's main idea is a general statement about two things and how they are similar and/or different. A comparison can include both similarities and differences, or only the similarities. A contrast states only differences.
• Key words/phrases in the main idea: similarities, differences, both, in common, same, different, compare, comparison
• Signal words/phrases for similarities: similarly, also, in the same way, as, like, both, in common.
Contrast is a rhetorical strategy and method of organization in which a writer examines only differences between two people, places, ideas, or things
1.                  Signal words/phrases for differences: however, but, on the other hand, although, while, in contrast, than, conversely, yet, unlike.

       My two children are so different that it surprises me every day. For one thing, my older child is a girl, and my younger child is a boy. My daughter loves reading, going to the movies, and writing in her journal. My son, on theother hand, loves running, jumping, and swimming– anything that requires using energy. My daughter loves all different kinds of foods, but my son likes to eat only pizza. And whilemy son can’t go a day without watching some kind of sporting event on television, my daughter will only watch a baseball game if nothing else is on.
Adapted from O Magazine, (2001) “Set Yourself Free,” p37.

This pattern is used to show the different causes and effects of various conditions. This pattern is particularly effective when writing a persuasive document in which the writer advocates some action to solve a problem, because it demonstrates important relationships between variables. There are two major variations to this pattern; (a) dividing the outline into two major sections comprised of causes and effects; or (b) dividing the outline according to the different causes, with the effects of each cause contained within the larger "causes" section. See the examples below.
Suppose a writer's stated purpose is to explain the causes of conflict escalation and their effects. He/she could organize the information in one of the following two ways. Again, notice that either method could work equally well.

Cause and effect signal words :
1. because, for this reason, due to, cause, on account of, if this, then this…
2. as a result, since, consequently, therefore, thus, in effect, resulting, and the out come is...

            In this pattern, the writer's main idea is that one event or action caused another event or
• Key words/phrases in the main idea and the signal words for details are the same and often include: causes, leads to, is the cause of, results in, creates, brings about, makes, provokes, produces, gives rise to, contributes to, is due to, is the result of, comes from, results from, is produced by, is a consequence of, follows, is caused by.

There are four possible cause-effect relationships:
1.                  single cause - single effect
2.                  single cause - multiple effects
3.                  multiple causes - single effect
4.                  multiple causes - multiple effects

In 2003, two robotic rovers landed on Mars and began sending back data about the possible existence of water on the red planet. This close examination of Mars was the result of new and improved technology. Because of advances in telecommunication systems, scientists on Earth can send commands faster and receive data in greater amounts. New software in the rovers led to their increased ability to make independent decisions and avoid dangers and hazards on their own. As a result of new technologies for severe environments, the rovers and their interior computers were able to survive the extreme cold and hot conditions in space and on Mars. And due to their new improved wheels the twin rovers could move around the rocky Martian landscape with ease.


From the description above, we can conclude that:
1.                  Comparison and Contrast, more specifically, are :
1.      In a comparison, the writer may explain similarities OR similarities and differences.
2.      In a contrast, the writer explains only differences.
1.                  A comparison can include:
1.                  both similarities and differences
2.                  only the similarities
3.                  Contrast states only differences.

1.                  Cause-effect Pattern describes or discusses an event or action that is caused by another event or action. On occasion, this pattern is also referred to as result. In this pattern, the writer's main idea is that one event or action caused another event or action.



1.                  http://faculty.washington.edu/ezent/impo.htm
2.                  http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/comparison2term.htm
3.                  http://papyr.com/hypertextbooks/comp1/compare.htm
4.                  http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/composition/cause_effect.htm
5.                  http://wps.ablongman.com/long_mcwhorter_ersonline_1/0,2257,70240-,00.html

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012



[sing : wakil rakyat – iwan fals] semuanya.
Indonesia we were born of you
Indonesia we serve for you
Indonesia is my homeland
Indonesia is my country
Indonesia where I take refuge
Indonesia is my future
Indonesia my love
I appreciate you
And this is the portrait of Indonesia

(Ibu-ibu masuk)
[lagu : Panggung Sandiwara]

Pita : Are you already pay for the contract?
Dita : Astagfirullah, miss. I don’t have money. How long have you been arrears?
Pita : I don’t have money for pay the school too. The contract also has debt for 3 month.
Dinda : That’s right, miss! I also has debt for 2 month.
Ayu : moreover me. I also has debt for 4 month.
Alisya : My husband yet go home.  This was fate, miss.
Dita : Hard to be poor!
Pita : I just scare, how will my child?
Ayu : I won’t my child shuffer

Suddenly, miss niko come. And make the womens scare.
(tiba-tiba bu niko datang)

Niko : HEY!! MISS!!
(Ibu-ibu gopoh)
Niko : hey!! Where are you going?!
(lari kejar kejaran)
Niko : (ngagetin) HAA!!
(ibu-ibu jatuh)
Niko : How dare you run from me!!
Dita : I’m sorry madam
Niko : You must go to work for pay your debt! Not sit in here! Now, pay your debt!!
Pita : Sorry, madam. I request one month again.
Niko : What? You say request huh?! Yesterday you request for time. And now you do it again! When you pay your debt hah?!
Pita : We really don’t have money, madam
Niko : My patience has run out! Everything in the world not free, you know?!  Your fart is free.
Ayu : Yes, madam. We are understand. But give we opportunity.
Dita : Give we one month again (memeluk kaki niko)
Dinda : Yes, madam. I promise I will pay after one month.
Niko : Hash!! I lazy to wait you!!
Alisya : Please, madam. Please understood (memohon dibawah bu niko di ikutin yang lain)
Niko : (mendorong ibu2)
(ibu2 jatuh)
Koor ibu2 : OMG! Auw!
Dita : please, madam. Give we opportunity
Koor ibu2 : Please madam..
Niko : do you want free? You cant live under the bridge. Out of my house!! (menarik ibu2 keluar)

The womens are scream, they won’t out from niko’s house. They confuse they will live in where and how fate they child.

Niko : I don’t care!! Get out from here now!!
Koor ibu2 :  please madam..
Dita : where we will live, madam?
Nito : it’s not my problem! I want you out from my here!
(niko meninggalkan ibu2)
(ibu2 siap2)

D+D+A : (nangis) How is this?
Alisya : enough, miss. This is our destiny as the poor
Dinda : That’s right, miss. We just can resigned
Pita : How is destiny we child?
Dita : I dont heart look my child back from the school
Dinda : before, they back. We must get the new house.
Alisya : yes, miss. Lets we search the new house.

The womens go to search a new house for live.

While on the highway, three little street singers is singing from car by car.
[nyanyi: gengsi gede-gedean]

Amel : Hey, how much money we get?
Dhila : hmm.. we get 30.000.
Intan : there are 2000.
Dhila : naaah. 32.000
Amel : let’s we sing again.
Dhila : (nyanyi)
Intan : what are you sing?
Intan : husss.. Let’s we sing again!

[nyanyi: punk rock jalanan]

There are student’s group of iniversity look three little street singer. They follow the street singers that.

Elis : Sis, sis
Koor SS : who are you?
Elis : We are student of iniversity
Ika : are you street singer? You don’t school?
Dhila : yeah, we are sing after school, bang.
Ika : why you be street singers? Why you don’t serious school?
Amel : we are not people as abang. Abang has many money. And we must work for help our mother.
(mahasiswa tolah toleh)
Fedora : where do you live?
Intan : what do you want bang? Do you want our money?
Dhila : really? Let’s run!
amel : ssst. Don’t do it like that.
Fedora : oh not.. we are pity look you. May you show your house?
Amel : okey! C’mon bang

The student of university follow the street singers to they house.

Amel : aaah.. this is our house bang… (menunjuk)
D+I : loh? Where are our house?
Intan : so quiet?
Dhila : mooom!! Moom!
elis : where all?
(mengetok pinyu)
ika : no one in here
Amel : where are my mom?

Suddenly people come.
[lagu: Pump it]

rara : what are you doing in here? HAH?!
Chichi : do you search yout mother?
Koor A : HAHAHAHAHA =)))))))
Amel : where are my mom?
Rara : your mother already get out! Because your mother not pay the contract!!
Chichi : you are the poor people
Saras : POOR-PE-OPLE!!
Elis : who are you?
Rara : we are the rich children. Not the poor people like they (nunjuk pengamen)
Dhila : are you envy, hah?
Saras : hah? Envy?! HA-HA-HA
Rara : you must get out from here!! Follow your poor mother!
Koor A : HA-HA-HA-HA =)))

Then, the rich children go out.

ika : now, you must search your mother
intan : we don’t know where are my mother.
(pengamen nangis)

suddenly, one of the womens came.

Alisya : Childrenss.. let’s we go
Koor SS : AUNT.. (nangis)
Alisya : (memeluk)
Amel : where are our mom? Why the house is empty
Intan : expelled by madam niko?
Alisya : enough dear. Lets we back.
Fedora : who are expelled you, miss?
Alisya : the owner of this house. Because we not pay the contract
Elis : She has not heart.
Alisya : yess, son. Maybe she true.
Fedora : and then? Where do you live, miss?
Alisya : hmm.. under the bridge for the moment (memeluk pengamen)
Ika : ehhr!! Wish god reply her do.
Alisya : it’s been our destiny, son. Let’s we back to we house
Intan : Abang, do you want follow me?
Elis : No, sis. We must go back now.
Koor SS : seeyou bang..

The womens and little street singer go to the under the bridge. And the student of university back to they home. Not long after, they arrive to under the bridge. They new house.
[lagu: rumah kita]

Koor SS : moooom!!!
Dhila : What happen mom? (nangis)
Pita : I’m sorry dear. Mom not pay the contract (nangis)
Intan : Madam is very cruel!!
Dita : nevermind, dear. The important we still can live.
Amel : Mother is okay right?
Ayu : yes, dear mom is okay.
Pita : for a moment we live in here, okay?
Koor : Yess mom.

They hug and cry together.
Tomorrow, the three little street singers not school. They not yet pay money of school. They just singer on highway.

Intan : So sad. They not go to school
Dhila : why in this world is not fair?
Amel : enough. The important, we are given a life, we have mom, we also feel study in school.
Dhila : (sigh)
Amel : maybe, still there people more than suffer from we.
Intan : more than shuffer? We have already suffered. How they?
Dhila : hussss..
Amel : let’s we sing again. Can let a lot of money.
(nyanyi: price tag)
From distance, the student of university look they sing and not school

Ika : they don’t school
Fedora : so pity
elis : whereas they are talented. Look, they can sing very well
Fedora : you are right! Let’s!

The student of university back to they school. And not long, the police raided in a traffic area.

Putri : caught all!!!!!!!!
Koor P : Already!!

The police scatter to caught all

Amel : Dhila! Intan! That is police! C’mon ruuuunnnn!!!
Dhila : OMG! How is this?
Intan : RUUUUN!!

The street singers run to avoid the police. But, they almost to caught. And a person help they

Della : caught you!!
Koor SS : let us know!! Aaa!!
Rani : oh noo!!
(pemuda datang)
Tasha : C’mon run!!
Amel : thankyou bang
Tasha : run! Run! Run!!!
Della : who are you? So brave!!
Tasha : yes! C.mon caught me!
Della : they interfere the traffic comfort!
Tasha : why you disturbed with they?. Why you don’t disturbed with corrupt?
Sisil : the corrupt not disturb the traffic right?
Tasha : but, they are looking for a halal job. Only that which they could.
Rani : ouch!! Confuse
(putri datang)
Putri : what happen?
Della : he defend the street singers
putri : who are you?
tasha : me to protect them from a distance. Caught me!!
Putri : bring him to office!

the police bring bang muluk to office with the official car

Koor SS : bang muluk!!!!!!!!!!! Bang muluk!!!!! (nangis)
Tasha : (mengacungkan jempol) continue your struggle!!! (nangis haru)
Koor SS : bang muluk !!!

In one of university, the student of university gathering to plan something

elis : gathered all!!!
Ika : gathered gathered!!
(semua berkumpul)
Della : what happen?
elis : listen!! We must to help the street singers displaced womens!!
Fedora : lets us save them from poverty
Della : how this step?
Ika : we must to do a demo. And I had planned.
elis : that’s right! We just make the equipment. ARE YOU READY?
Koor M : YEEEES!!
Fedora : lets we do it!!!! (mengepalkan tgn ke atas)

the student of university hardwork to make the equipment for demo
[lagu: Bruno mars- we are young]

While in residence of madam risma

Tika : the traffic area already clean.
Hana : yes. We can enjoy

madam risma and madam hana is brewing tea on the balcony, suddenly two bodyguard run approached they.

Tika : what happen? (kaget, berdiri)
(ibu hana ikut menteri)

sara : there are a group students of university in front of you house, madam.
Tika : leave!
let them issue a protest action!
Nada : then? What they are allowed to get into the house?
tika : leave! Let them issue anything a protest action!
Koor BG : sure madam.

 the two guards opened the gate luxury of madam risma. come in hordes of students who carried banners with all the contents of their think. Madam risma and the madam hana is looking at them one by one banner. Until the end…

tika : what do you want?
elis : I
 want madam to see people out there who lost her home for nonpayment of contract.
ika : I want madam to see street children who work just to help her mother.
Fedora : left school after a bite of rice
tika : quiet
 calm, I understand your good intentions
Elis : listen! Look!


tika : (merasa bersalah) I understand what do you mean
Hana : we wait this moment
tika : Take me to the
 place of settlement!

The student of university so amazing what does she talk. finally they brought madam risma and hana to toward slums. when he got there, he saw hordes of people are conducting their activities. There are washing clothes, cleaning the rice, and other activities. one of the hordes of people were aware of the coming of madam risma.

dita : hey. Madam risma is came!!
pita : where? Where?
alisya : yes, where?
ayu : yes! That is madam rismaa!!
dinda : come on there!

 were running toward to madam hana and madam risma standing. they were greeted bu hana and bu risma.

pita : an honor madam risma in here
dita : ouh madam, why madam in here? It’s a dirty place
tika : but I have to feel what you feel
alisya : we’re a bunch of poor people
ayu : that’s right, madam
tika : but
 you should not be here. this place is not feasible.
hana : this place is dangerous for you.
tika : I
'll give you guys should get.

Madam risma, Hana and student of university went to the place of street singers sing. The street singers is sing and dancing. From distance, madam risma and student of university look at they.

elis : those
 who make us march at madam house.
ika : for them
fedora :
we do not want them to quit school due to cost.
elis : their next generation of our nation.
tika : yes, I understand. mother
 wanted to hire them as a real singer. and send them to school
ika : yes, we are talented.

[nyanyi: price tag]

tika : you are talented.
Koor SS : madam risma.
tika : (senyum, nyalamin)
amel : an honor madam in here for me.
D+I : waaa.. I can’t believe
Tika : because
 these brothers, you all will benefit from the crisis that is engulfing you.
Dhila : hay abaaaang..
Koor M : (senyum, melambai)
Tika : I come here again tomorrow to pick up you. early in the morning should be ready okay?
Intan : where are we go?
Tika : place that you want
Koor SS : huwaaa!! (bersorak)

 picked up the next morning with a luxury car and taken to school. from school after they are brought into the music studio to practice their skills. and their parents is taken into a beautiful apartment. and eventually they live happily ever after

[lagu: heal the world]


OLEH Prof. Dr. Hotmann Siahaan

            Pada mulanya  fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik Universitas Airlangga merupakan pengembangan dari fakultas ilmu sosial dengan program study hanya satu yaitu Sosiologi. Dikarena peraturan Universitas pada waktu itu yang melarang berdirinya fakultas dengan hanya satu jurusan, maka fakultas ilmu sosial yang hanya berprogram study satu dirubah menjadi fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik dengan program study Sosiologi, Ilmu Politik, Psikologi, dan Sastra. Kemudian karena program study Psikologi dan Sastra sudah menjadi besar maka program study tersebut mendirikan fakultas sendiri yang sekarang disebut fakultas psikologi dan fakultas ilmu budaya.
            Dalam FISIP, Sosiologi merupakan program study pertama yang dilahirkan karena pada waktu itu ilmu sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang sangat penting yang di butuhkan untuk membangun negara indonesia yang baru saja bebas dari penjajah. Karena dengan ilmu sosiologi diharapkan mampu melahirkan bibit-bibit manusia unggul yang mampum befikir kritis dan tidak percya begitu saja dengan apa yang terjadi pada kenyataannya. Sebab dalam suatu kenyataan pasti dibelakangnya ada sesuatu yang mungkin lebih penting dan lebih berpengaruh terhadap kehidapan masyarakat. Masalah seperti itu dapat dipelajari dan dipecahkan dengan sosiologi sebab sosiologi merupakan ilmu revolusi yaitu ilmu yang mempersoalkan semua yang dianggap konflik/konsensus/menyimpang. Sehingga pada zaman penjajahan Belanda  ilmu sosiologi tidak boleh diajarkan kepada masyarakat Indonesia dengan alasan pemerintah belanda takut masyarakat Indonesia akan mempersoalkan segala kebijakan pemerintah Belanda dan akan menentang pemerintah Belanda.
            Secara umum sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara individu dengan individu, individu dengankelompok, dan kelompok dengan kelompok. Dasar ilmu yang dipelajari dalam sosiologi yaitu mengenai stuktur dan kultur masyarakat. Struktur berhubungan dengan tingkat/darajat/pangkat sosial masyarakat seperti contohnya stuktur sosial masyarat desa yaitu ada kepala desa, kamituwo, carik, modin, ketua RW, ketua RT, dan sebagainya. Kemudian kultur berhungan dengan kabudayaan yang dianut oleh masyarakan. Seperti contahnya budaya mudik yang sepertinya telah menjadi budaya wajib yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat indonesia dan mereka telah menganggap hal ini sebagai suatu hal yang sangat penting dan harus dilakukan walaupun harus berkorban mati-matian untuk melakukan budaya tersebut.
            Sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang dibutuhkan di mana saja dan tidak ada kondisi yang tidak dapat dipelajari oleh sosiologi selama masih ada manusia di dunia ini. Maka dari itu ilmu sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang sangat penting untuk memecahkan persoalan-persoalan sosial yang semakin kompleks terjadi pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Sebat dengan berkembangnya peradaban karena berkembang pesatnya IPTEK masalah sosial yang perlu diadapi tidak semakin rinagan/berkurang melainkan akan semakin berkembang pula dengan masalah yang semakin rumit. Maka dari itu sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang bersifat statis/fleksibel yang dapat menerima perubahan sosial dara zaman ke zaman selama ada kehidupan manusia. Karena mau/tidak mau dengan semakin berkembangnya IPTEK maka semakin pesat pula perubahan sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat.
            Karena sosiologi merupakan ilmu yang sangat penting yang dapat mempelajari masalah-masalah yang timbul dari adanya perubahan sosial masyarakat,  maka kita sebagai mahasiswa sosiologi UNAIR harus benar-benar serius mempelajari program study kita tersebut demi tercapainya target yaitu melahirkan manusia-manusia unggul yang dapat merubah bangsa Indonesia ini menjadi bangsa yang damai, aman, tentram, dan sejahtera serta sesuai dengan cita-cita para pendiri bangsa kita terdahulu yaitu yang sesuai dengan Pancasila, NKRI, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, dan UUD 1945. Selin itu sebagai jurusan tertua di FISIP, kita harus menjadi mahaiswa terbaik dengan pengetahuan yang tinggi dan terutama mendapatkan IP tertinggi di bandingkan program study lainnya. Amiin...
            Demikian review yang dapat saya sampaikan sesuai dengan pendengaran, pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan penalaran saya yang bersumbar dari pidato (materi kuliah umum) yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Hotmann Siahaan. Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan bila ada kesalahan/kekhilafan kata saya mohon maaf. Terimakasih...